
Privacy policy

1. Owner / Developer of the application :
The ledsUp Team (FRANCE)

For any questions regarding our privacy policy, you can contact us at the following email address: contact@ledsup.fr

2. Collection of personal data :
The ledsUp team does not collect any personal data. The application does not require an account creation to be used.

3. Use of personal data:
The ledsUp application does not use any personal data.

4. Permissions requested by the application :
The ledsUp application does not require any specific permissions to function, except possibly GPS with your permission to help you locate yourself on a map if necessary. Your GPS position is not stored or memorized. The use of GPS positioning is not mandatory to correctly use the application.

ledsUp may use the flash to create certain light animations, but it does not access your camera or photos.

5. Advertising in the ledsUp :
The ledsUp solution operates on a B2B model, meaning an organization (association, production house, artist, etc.) funded the creation of the animation. ledsUp allows this client to display one or more advertising banners on the application screen. These banners are identical on all phones using the application. Each banner is associated with a URL link. The ledsUp teams verify the associated link before putting it in the application, but ledsUp cannot be held responsible for the content of this URL link.

6. Third-party advertising :
ledsUp does not display any advertising other than that of our client.

7. Customer service :
The ledsUp team can be contacted via the « Contact Us » menu of the application, which allows you to send us an email.

The ledsUp team will then respond to your email address. Note that your email address will not be disclosed to a third party.

8. Privacy policy update :
In case of an update to the ledsUp privacy policy, a message will notify you within the application.